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  Finding something that teaches the entire Bible to young children is even more of a challenge than for teens; because in addition to being fast paced, it also has to entertain them.  But you don't want all entertainment with just a spec of actual information. 

  That is why I was REALLY excited when I found Veggie Tales Co-creator Phil Visher's series called What's In The Bible With Buck Denver.  The amount of information Phil squeezes into just 13 videos is beyond amazing!!  He not only takes the kids through the entire Bible, but also deals with subjects that even adults have trouble with - like the Apocrypha.

  Of course, since it's a DVD series, I can't share the episodes with you for free; so this will have summary & music videos, a printable study  & coloring page for each episode,  & links to where you can rent the episodes online. It ranges from $3.99 - $4.99 per video; so that's really not a bad price for all that you will learn by watching them. 

  I would recommend just buying the entire DVD set for your church library, so that all of the kids - & adults - can borrow & watch these!!  Or show the videos at a family night out event, & have the families take home the coloring & study pages to do together at home.  We all can benefit from learning what's presented in these kid's videos!

  Here's a intro video about the series:

Let's dive right into the series.  Just click on the DVD picture below to see the resources for that DVD: Buck Denver Asks..What's In The Bible 1: Buck Denver, Phil  Vischer: Movies & TV